regard to the last point, it is even common
to find reliable or reputable bus companies
operating some of their buses outside the authority
allowed by their permits; thereby operating
illegally without anyone being aware of
it - not even the average traffic officer will
detect any discrepancy with the operating license.
Although one would imagine this not to be a
major crime, the fact is that in an event of
an accident where passengers are seriously injured,
the passenger liability insurance cover
of the operator will not be of any value. Since
any claim can be rejected by the insurer due
to the vehicle being operated illegally at the
specific time of the accident, it will result
in dire consequences in terms of the
financial remuneration and covering of long
term medical costs of the injured.
Consulting Services (LCS) has in their midst
the experience and expertise of charter management
to ensure that clients hiring buses and coaches
from them, have the peace of mind knowing
that everything has been done to avoid any of
the above irregularities when a service is delivered.